Because heart failure can be a chronic condition, identify a priority teaching intervention for the patient with a new diagnosis of heart failure

Shock is a clinical syndrome that is a result of inadequate tissue perfusion that creates imbalance between the delivery of and requirements for oxygen that support cell health.  Signs and symptoms of excess fluid volume or inadequate tissue perfusion characterize heart failure. Address the Following: Describe the differences in the nursing management for patient diagnosed … Read more

factors that influence adolescent development?

The focus of this discussion is adolescent healthcare. Please address the following points in your initial response:   In your opinion, what are the two most important factors that influence adolescent development? Give rationales for your choices. In the Western culture, there are a variety of health services available for adolescents, but what is missing … Read more

how health assessment is impacted by culture

You are teaching first semester nursing students about culture and health assessment. Write up a short scenario that shows how health assessment is impacted by culture. (Note you can use your own experience or make-up a situation.)  The title of your post should include the culture you use in your scenario (for example: ‘Basic Assessment of … Read more

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates.  When and how does one become a patient advocate?  Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate. What resources can patient advocates access to help them perform their roles/responsibilities?  Identify a minimum of three resources

When and how does one become a patient advocate?

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates.  When and how does one become a patient advocate?  Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate. What resources can patient advocates access to help them perform their roles/responsibilities?  Identify a minimum of three resources

What do the four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease?

What do the four parts of the Christian Biblical Narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this narrative? Explain in detail each … Read more

Describe the differences in the nursing management for patient diagnosed with hypovolemic shock, cardiogenic shock, and heart failure

Shock is a clinical syndrome that is a result of inadequate tissue perfusion that creates imbalance between the delivery of and requirements for oxygen that support cell health.  Signs and symptoms of excess fluid volume or inadequate tissue perfusion characterize heart failure. Address the Following: Describe the differences in the nursing management for patient diagnosed … Read more

Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates.  When and how does one become a patient advocate?  Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate. What resources can patient advocates access to help them perform their roles/responsibilities?  Identify a minimum of three resources

Signs and symptoms of excess fluid volume or inadequate tissue perfusion characterize heart failure.

Shock is a clinical syndrome that is a result of inadequate tissue perfusion that creates imbalance between the delivery of and requirements for oxygen that support cell health.  Signs and symptoms of excess fluid volume or inadequate tissue perfusion characterize heart failure. Address the Following: Describe the differences in the nursing management for patient diagnosed … Read more

How do the health problems that adolescents face impact their health and wellness in their lifetime?

The focus of this discussion is adolescent healthcare. Please address the following points in your initial response:   In your opinion, what are the two most important factors that influence adolescent development? Give rationales for your choices. In the Western culture, there are a variety of health services available for adolescents, but what is missing … Read more