Final Exam
Exams providing some actual “real world” examples are preferred.
1. Briefly describe the Leadership Grid model. What is a �9/9� Leader?
2. What is framing? Name 2 leaders who have utilized it effectively in casting a vision.
3. Briefly describe the components of Leadership Credibility. Who has it? Who doesn�t?
4. What is �active listening�? What is its importance re: Leadership?
5. How might you develop your Leadership Assertiveness?
6. Define a �successful meeting�. How would you lead such a meeting?
7. What is the difference between a group and a team?
8. List two benefits and two costs of increasing group size.
9. List and briefly define the five stages of The Tuchman Teambuilding Model.
10. Are there any traits/behaviors/values which all great global leaders share? Discuss.
11. Define group norms and their function.
12. How do good leaders provide constructive feedback?
13. Name five common reasons why ineffective leaders avoid delegation.
14. Why are women the best negotiators? What are the advantages of having 20 female US Senators?
15. How can a leader use a crisis as a means of changing an organizational culture?
16. Explain Leader-Member Exchange (�LMX�) Theory. Give a �real world� example.
17. Discuss the principal difference between the situational leadership theory and Fiedler’s contingency model of leadership.
18. List and describe the four leadership behaviors of path-goal theory.
19. What leadership techniques did Lou Gertsner display in miraculously saving IBM in the mid to late 90s?
20. What are the Leadership Lessons of Steve Jobs?
21. What are the Leadership Lessons of Jim Burke?
22. What is �authentic leadership�? Whom do you consider to be an authentic leader? Why?
23. What is �inauthentic leadership�? Whom do you consider to be an inauthentic leader? Why?
24. What are the Leadership Lessons of Al �Chainsaw Dunlap?
25. What are “dark” side personality traits and how might they come into play with athletic coaches?
26. Discuss the idea of organizational fit and how it can affect leadership success.
27. Successful leaders today must �Think globally and act locally.� Explain.
28. Compare and contrast the positive and negative impact of conflict in the organization.
29. Name and describe the five general approaches to managing conflict that were described by Thomas.
30. Describe Emotional Intelligence. How can you improve your EI?
31. Briefly describe Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory.
this is 31 Q choose 19 and answer them i will upload the book
Grades will be predicated upon BOTH the QUANTITY and QUALITY of responses.